
Customized advertising lanyard designs

Advertising lanyards - how to prepare a project

Template 10 mm
Template 15 mm
Template 20 mm
Template 25 mm

We have prepared 4 templates for our customers - templates, thanks to them you can easily prepare your own design of advertising lanyards. All you need to do is to put the text and logo in the configuration you have planned.

Advertising lanyards - acceptable design formats

We accept the following file formats for advertising lanyard design:

*.cdr (CorelDraw version 9 to 17) –the optimal variant, speeding up production

*.ai (Adobe Illustartor)

*.pdf (Adobe Reader)

*.eps ((Encapsulated Post Script)

Advertising lanyards with photo - technical requirements

If photos or bitmaps are to be placed on advertising lanyards then they must be uploaded at a resolution of at least 300 dpi and in one of the following formats:




How to prepare a lanyard design - other requirements

all fonts saved in the file must be in vector formats
the maximum height of the logos for each lanyard width must be in accordance with that specified in each template
to ensure faithful reflection of colors, it is required to describe them according to the Pantone Matching System template for coated papers
if strict color matching on lanyards is not necessary, it is enough to indicate colors in Cmyk scale in the project (acceptable color difference on printed lanyard is +/- 1 shade)
NoteIf the colors were not specified according to the Pantone Matching System template, and no test for acceptance was made from the file containing the bitmaps, any complaints are groundless and will be rejected

Manufacturer of advertising lanyards - we know how to deliver a quality product

Based on years of experience, we are able to meet the requirements of even the most demanding customers. At every stage of cooperation we are at your disposal and provide support. We want the lanyards we produce to be our most important showcase.

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